Bracell expands production of dissolving pulp in the state of São Paulo with investment of R$ 7 billion

Bracell launches new website for the Forest Partnership Program

Bracell brings together regional houses of agriculture to present the commercial potential of eucalyptus in the region
The expansion project of the pulp mill in Lençóis Paulista is already underway, bringing sustainable business opportunities to the region. In April and May, Bracell São Paulo held meetings between the company’s forestry team and the teams of Sustainable Rural Development Coordinators (CDRS – CATIs)

Bracell presents Star Project for entrepreneurs
Bracell’s General Director, Pedro Stefanini; HR Manager Carlos Gasparetto; and Communication Manager Ana Paula Bortolozzi were present at a meeting held at the City Hall to present Project Star to entrepreneurs in Macatuba. Project Star is the name given to the expansion of Bracell’s pulp

Juliano Lorenzetti highway receives speed reducers
To ensure safety on the Juliano Lorenzetti Highway (LEP-060), speed reducers have been installed between kilometers 2 and 4. The stretch in question is properly sign posted with safety signs for drivers, and is intended to deal with increased traffic in the area. The guidance

How planted forests benefit the environment

Bracell launches Sustainability Report 2017