The Atlantic Forest Friend Company honor is given to organizations that contribute to the conservation of this biome
This Wednesday, the 25th, the National Council of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve (CN-RBMA) will officially announce Bracell’s adhesion to the Atlantic Forest Friend Company Program. The announcement will be made during the Atlantic Forest Week 2022 event, which will be held online through the RBMA YouTube channel, from 11 am to 12:30 pm.
With this recognition, the pulp company will receive a seal that “identifies organizations that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use” of this forest through their actions and support for RBMA initiatives, linked to the Man and the Biosphere program, from UNESCO.

For Meryellen Baldim, Environment and Forestry Certification manager at Bracell Bahia, “the title reinforces, before society, our commitment to the preservation of this biome and increases the visibility of our actions, as we started to be present at RMBA events with a strategic public to the company. In addition, we will participate in the meetings of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve with suggestions for forest protection initiatives”.
The manager also adds that Bracell – part of the RGE group, which manages companies with global manufacturing operations based on natural resources – preserves approximately 39% of the total native vegetation on its properties, with emphasis on the Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs), such as Lontra, in Bahia, which is home to 216 species of birds, 62 amphibians and lizards, 15 snakes and 25 mammals, reinforcing the region’s biodiversity.
Located between the municipalities of Entre Rios and Itanagra, this reserve is the largest private conservation area on the North Coast of Bahia, with 1,377 hectares, and was recognized in 2019 as an Advanced Post of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, in addition to being a Wild Animal Release Area (Asas) authorized by the Institute for the Environment and Water Resources (Inema).
Representing Bracell at the Atlantic Forest Week, Meryellen will also participate, this Wednesday, in the roundtable “Agricultural sector and the conservation of the Atlantic Forest”. She will be talking about the topic alongside Bertholdino Junior, Corporate Sustainability Manager Usina Coruripe, Gabriel DedinI, coordinator of Solidaridad’s Yerba Mate Program, and Glaico Sell, agroecological producer of the Acolhida na Colônia agroforestry Association.
More information about the event – which will be held until 27/05, when Atlantic Forest Day is celebrated – can be obtained on the website