The company, which is a global leader in the manufacture of dissolving cellulose, received recognition from the Brazilian Association for Loss Prevention on November 22
Bracell was one of the big winners of the 3rd Edition of the ABRAPPE AWARD – Brazilian Association for Loss Prevention -, with the best case in the ESG and Sustainability category of the Year 2022 with the Forest Fire Prevention and Combat project. The tribute, which took place on the last November 22, aims to recognize retail professionals and also companies in the Loss Prevention Area that, over the years 2021 and 2022, added, idealized, implemented or are implementing innovative cases, providing financial gains, productivity or good practices.
ABRAPPE, presided over by Carlos Eduardo Santos, is an independent organization made up of around 2,000 associates that represents more than 600 companies from all segments of Brazilian retail and has the purpose of promoting a culture of loss prevention through professional training, generation of studies, exchange of experiences and promotion of networking. In addition to its presence in the capital of São Paulo, where its administrative headquarters are also located, ABRAPPE maintains regional meals cooked by 11 states in the country, mostly formed by heads of large retail chains in the country.

The award evaluation criteria were guided by the set of gains that the case brought or is bringing to the business, considering innovations, productivity gains, expense reduction, increased financial gains, consistency or sustainability of the implemented project.
Bracell was highlighted by the 98% reduction in burned areas for 2021/2022, in addition to environmental preservation actions and the generation of jobs and income. Eduardo Soares, forest fire prevention and combat manager, highlighted the work, commitment and dedication of the entire team as fundamental to this result. “A great achievement for everyone involved in this process. This award enshrines the work of employees who, as Teams that Complement each other, focused on Continuous Improvement and, today, we have this recognition from ABRAPPE”, he highlighted.
The protection of forests, permanent preservation areas and neighboring communities are priorities at Bracell. The company has invested in an exclusive sector for preventing and fighting forest fires with the Integrated Monitoring Center, located at the manufacturing unit in Lençóis Paulista (SP), which brings together technological innovations to monitor in real time, 24 hours a day, its forest base in the state of São Paulo.
The infrastructure also includes pick-up trucks equipped with rapid combat kits, water trucks, top-of-the-line operational equipment, such as: blowers, chainsaws and dampers, and also the support of a helicopter. Bracell is also part of the PAM (Mutual Help Plan), a union between companies that support each other when there is a record of occurrences.
The community also plays a fundamental role, through the “Friends of the Forest” campaign, in which teams from the Community Relations and Heritage areas personally visit the families who live close to the forest areas, informing contacts and promoting awareness about the fire risks.
In addition, the company’s environmental teams map areas for the implementation of firebreaks, which contribute to containment of fires, and carry out training for brigade members in the areas of environmental conservation. Both actions are part of the “One-to-One Commitment”, an unprecedented action in Brazil carried out by Bracell in which, for each hectare planted with eucalyptus, the company commits to the conversion of one hectare of native vegetation. Initiative that joins forces in prevention and in case of eventualities.
“We analyzed our entire forestry base and strategically divided it into sectors. Each sector has a team capable of providing assistance. Our priority also included hiring professionals from nearby cities, streamlining the necessary assistance and fostering regional development”, explains Soares.