The areas, that belong to Bracell, are located in the cities of Entre Rios and Jandaíra
Two new areas to release wild animals (Asas) were certified by the State government of Bahia, through the Institute of Environment and Water Resources (Instituto do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos, or “Inema”). These areas are: Projeto Cachoeira, in the city of Entre Rios, and Projeto Sergipe, in the city of Jandaíra. Both of these areas are within areas that belong to Bracell, which now owns three Asas. The first area, Lontra Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, or “RPPN”), was certified in 2020, also in Entre Rios.

According to Meryellen Baldim, Bracell’s Environment and Certifications coordinator, this certification demonstrates the environmental liability of the company, that works to preserve biodiversity within its conservation areas. “This certification is another confirmation that our areas are an adequate place for wild animals to be,” she says.
Bracell’s Environment specialist, biologist Igor Macedo adds that these certifications were also granted because of the protection offered to the animals. “These new Asas areas mean a new opportunity for these animals to survive, since, many times, they come from inappropriate events, such as trafficking. In addition, they also contribute for the reintroduction of endangered species into the environment,” he says.
The first animals were released in these areas this Wednesday, 3. In total, 14 animals were released: 11 reptiles (including serpents and lizards), two birds (one bananaquit and one striped owl), and one mammal (tayra).
The company also had the Asas in RPPN Lontra renewed for two more years, which area is the greatest of its kind in the North Coast, with 1.377 hectares. This area is also the only Advanced Station of Atlantic Rainforest Biosphere Reserve owned by a private company recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).
The area owned by Bracell – company from RGE group, which manages global manufacturing operations based on natural resources – has 378 wild flora species, 264 bird species, 75 amphibians, 57 snakes and lizards, and 38 mammal species. Because of this biodiversity potential, another 140 animals that were rehabilitated by the State Center of Wild Animals Screening (Centro Estadual de Triagem de Animais Silvestres, or “Cetas”), in Salvador, were released in this area in 2020.